Healthy HabitsMindsetPodcastWellbeing

Take Back Control of Your Health & Wellbeing

By May 2, 2020 No Comments

Welcome to The Impact Lab- where entrepreneurs, visionaries and mission-minded luminaries come to get their dose of inspiration and information to help them keep making their impact so they can lead, love and live their lives to the fullest!

Tune in to this episode to learn from Primal Health Expert, Dr. Stephanie Rimka, the Founder of Brain-Body Solutions as she joins Dr. Melissa in The Impact Lab as we discuss how to take back control of your health and wellbeing.

You are more than a virus and the fear that can weaken the health of your entire system. Discover the foundational actions you can take today that will ignite your super health so you can thrive anytime!

For more episodes or to learn how to work with Dr. Melissa Petersen, the coaches success coach, visit:

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