Embedded in our dna is our innate drive to connect, love, and be loved.
When we allow ourselves to witness, experience, express and share in love from a simple gesture of loving the cool breeze on your face to the warmth of a child’s laugh to the romance of our lover’s touch, we receive endless benefits physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Love is shown to increase lifespan on average by more than 15 years. It enhances the overall quality of life in many ways. From lowering stress, anxiety, and depression to a reduced risk of heart disease, blood pressure and pain, love is the key. It also boosts the immune system, optimizes hormones, enhances your mood, fosters deeper bonds, elevates happiness and connection. Of course, it does all of this and so much world.
In a world where we can be, do and have anything… let us begin with love.
Tune into this special love edition to discover the fast path to activate love, access the flow state and experience a heart coherence exercise for enhanced thriving in all aspects of your life.